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AP8966 Rack PDU shows incorrect bank to phase relationships


In AOS v6.4.0/rpdu2g v6.4.0, the AP8966 Rack Power Distribution Unit (PDU) shows incorrect bank to phase relationships. (The silkscreen markings on the unit's chassis are correct.)


Incorrect (currently shown within the product's interfaces):

Product Line
  • Rack Power Distribution
    • AP8966 model only

  • All serial numbers
  • Firmware version AOS 6.4.0/rpdu2g v6.4.0


This issue is caused by a firmware bug within the Rack PDU Network Management Card (NMC) Firmware.


It is recommended that the user refer to the accurate silkscreen markings directly on the chassis of the Rack PDU itself in order to understand the correct bank to phase relationships in order to correctly balance loads across phases. Alternatively, refer to the "Correct" screenshot above for accurate phase to bank relationship information. No measurements provided are incorrect, just the phase to bank information shown within the NMC interfaces.

This issue will be fixed in rpdu2g application v6.4.4 (and higher), available in September, 2016.

APC Switzerland (French)

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