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Video: Data Center Expert | How do I create and manage custom properties?
How to create and manage custom property keys within StruxureWare Data Center Expert?

Product Line:
StruxureWare Data Center Expert (DCE)
- Virtual Appliance (AP94VMACT)
- Basic Appliance (AP9465)
- Standard Appliance (AP9470)
- Enterprise Appliance (AP9475)

StruxureWare Data Center Expert (all versions)


Custom properties are used to define a unique value for devices and sensors, such as: contract number, contract end-date, battery model, or sensor thresholds.

Adding a New Custom Property
1) Open the DCE client and go to: Device menu > Manage Custom Property Keys.
2) Select Add.
3) Define the custom property name and select OK.

Removing a Custom Property
1) Open the DCE client and go to: Device menu > Manage Custom Property Keys.
2) Select the Custom Property from the list.
3) Select Remove.
NOTE: Removing a custom property will delete all values you have entered for that custom property.

Editing a Custom Property for a Device
1) Open the DCE client and go to: Monitoring perspective > Device View pane.
2) Right-click on a device and select Open Custom Properties Editor.
3) Within the Custom Property Editor pane, you can click into the custom property fields and define the value.  Press Enter when done to accept the value.
NOTE: If the custom property column is not showing within the Device View pane, select the configure columns button in the upper-right corner of the Device View pane and add the column.

Editing a Custom Property for a Sensor
1) Open the DCE client and go to: Monitoring perspective > Device View pane.
2) Right-click on a device and select Open Custom Properties Editor.
3) Within the Custom Property Editor pane select the Sensors button.
4)  Click into the custom property columns and define the custom values.  Press Enter when done to accept the value.
5) To see the custom property for the sensors, right-click on the device within the Device View pane and select View Device Sensors.
NOTE: If the custom property column is not showing within View Device Sensors, select the configure columns button in the upper-right corner and add the column.

APC Canada (French)

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