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What is the NetBotz smoke sensor NBES0307 sensitivity?

What is the NetBotz smoke sensor sensitivity?

Product Line:

NetBotz sensors


NetBotz smoke sensor NBES0307


Customer request for sensor sensitivity.


The nominal detection sensitivity for the NBES0307 is 2.5 percent-obscuration-per-foot. This is not configurable on the sensor and the NetBotz appliance will only see the sensor as a state sensor...smoke or no smoke. A variable threshold (such as those available for a numeric sensor such as temperature) is not possible.

Please see the attached datasheet for more smoke sensor information. Please see the NetBotz product page for more recent documentation.

APC Belgium

Pièce(s) jointe(s)
NetBotz_NBES0307_Data_Sheet.pdf [211.03 KB]
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