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Battery Predicted Replacement Date" missing from AP9630/31 UPS Network Management Card 2 (NMC2) Web Interface on supported UPS models


Certain UPS models that support "Predicted Battery Replacement Date" or "Battery Predicted Replacement Date" or "Next Battery Replacement Date" do not display the value in the installed UPS Network Management Card 2's web interface.

Product Line

  • UPS Device Management
    • UPS Network Management Card 2 (NMC2)
      • AP9630/30CH, AP9631/31CH

  • Smart-UPS models with the following model prefix
    • SMX
    • SMT


  • Supported UPS model listed above
  • NMC2 v6.2.0 sumx application firmware


This is due to a firmware bug.


A future firmware revision will address this issue.

In the meantime, the value is available via the NMC2 Command Line Interface (CLI) via the detstatus -all command or via SNMP OID .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.apc.products.hardware.ups.upsBattery.upsAdvBattery.upsAdvBatteryRecommendedReplaceDate (.

Note: Support for the upsAdvBatteryRecommendedReplaceDate SNMP OID requires APC PowerNet MIB v4.0.8 or higher.

APC Belgium